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Sunstrokes - No Safe Harbor & A Defiant Stand

By: Against the Odds

Type: Ziplock

Product Line: War Games (Against the Odds)

Product Info

Sunstrokes - No Safe Harbor & A Defiant Stand
Publish Year
NKG Part #


Check out two small games in great package!

No Safe Harbor covers a little known, but devastating Japanese air attack on Darwin, in northwest Australia, that happened in February, 1942. We made a limited print run several years back as a promotional item, but quickly ran out and never made it available for direct purchase. Until now, with an updated version that makes for an even cleaner game. So examine the great air attack on Port Darwin in Paul Rohrbaugh's neat game for 2 players (that plays great solo).

Like the guy on TV says, "But wait, there's more!"

Our sister company, Turning Point Simulations, recently gave a bonus to their "Collect Them All" members. A Defiant Stand is a stand-alone game on the (possible) ground battle at Midway Island, which made a nice addition to their Midway game. While the battle never took place, it's a little known fact that one of President FDR's sons was among the grim defenders stationed at Midway. It would have been quite the propaganda event had the battle gone either way.

Now, the two games have combined A Defiant Stand with No Safe Harbor to capture two "bold strokes" by the Imperial Japanese Navy, hence the name for the package-- Sunstrokes.