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By: Exalted Funeral

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Role Playing Games (Exalted Funeral)

3 book bundle, each 16 pages - AW, 2/28/23

MSRP old price: $24.00

Product Info

Jon Davis
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


You are no hero. You are a mercenary, a soldier of fortune, a sellsword. You are a Man-at-arms.

What is HELM?

HELM is a role-playing game inspired by dark fantasy and sword and sorcery fiction typically set in worlds resembling that of our own world’s Middle Ages (5th—15th century). Players take on the role of bloody Men-at-arms carving out an existence in the shadow of a crumbling empire. In this day, craven nobles play at conquest and throw countless soldiers into the war machine, fueling what has come to be known as the Ruination. Masterless warriors, seeking to profit from the nigh-endless discord, are hired by armies as shock troops and supplementary forces. An integral theme in this genre is human nature and morality, as one struggles between being a good human being or falling into madness and evil.


  • Core rules designed for ease-of-play. Heavily built upon the chassis of KANABO.
  • Quick and randomized character creation that will get you to the table in under five minutes.
  • Simple rules for inventory, time, and travel that feel natural and organic at the table.
  • Tactical combat rules that produce fast and highly deadly encounters.
  • Evocative rules for large scale combat that forgoes the normally fiddly wargaming fare.
  • Rules for GMs on how to create a dying world for players to adventure in.
  • All of this information is contained in a bundle of 3 zines, MEN-AT-ARMS, QUARTERMASTERS, and CAMPAIGNS

    Within the 16-page MEN-AT-ARMS Handbook, you'll find:

  • Best practices and tools for safe play, for Men-at-arms and Quartermasters both
  • A minimalist, easy-to-run 2D6 system with four stats
  • Randomized character generation in four easy steps
  • Detailed lists of arms and armor, along with their properties

    Within the 16-page QUARTERMASTERS Handbook, you'll find:

  • Best practices and tools for safe play, for Men-at-arms and Quartermasters both
  • Tools for new and experienced GMs alike
  • Explanations of enemy stats and sample combatants
  • Conversion notes for running your favorite old school adventures with HELM
  • Hit Location and Injury tables

    Within the 16-page CAMPAIGNS Handbook, you'll find:

  • Best practices and tools for safe play, for Men-at-arms and Quartermasters both
  • Adventure hooks and guidelines on running campaigns
  • The Empire, a crumbling countryside for your Men-at-arms to explore
  • A map of the Empire drawn by the talented Hodag RPG
  • Rules for mass combat on a grand scal