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Mark of Heroes Promo #5 - Heir of Beast and Blade

By: Wizards of the Coast

Type: Ziplock

Product Line: Eberron (d20)

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Mark of Heroes Promo #5 - Heir of Beast and Blade
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Heir of Beast and Blade Gen Con Indy Promo Card 05

You are a member of either House Vadalis or House Deneith.

Benefit: Choose one of these houses during character creation. You may not change your house later inyour character's history. As part of a dragon mark house, you are a member of a large and powerful extended family that controls commerce and guilds associated with that house. More importantly, you may become a dragonmarked member of the family by taking the Least Dragonmark feat. You need not take this feat during creation, as dragonmarks may manifest later in life.

This card unlocks the following rules items (ALLEC)

Feats: Favored In House, Least Dragonmark, Lesser Dragonmark, Greater Dragonmark

Prestige Classes: Dragonmark heir.