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Deceptions of World War II

By: Castle Books

Type: Hardcover

Product Line: Historical Books (Castle Books)

Last Stocked on 8/8/2024

Product Info

Deceptions of World War II
William B. Breuer
Publish Year
NKG Part #


Behind the great battles and courageous acts of World War II are the schemes and ruses of cloak-and-dagger agencies, the captivating tales of which are told in Deceptions of World War II.

In this book of Wold War II deception, noted military historian and author William Breuer presents more than 80 little-known tales of illusions, masquerades, and fakery—often decisive factors, providing an advantage that likely amounted to the difference between victory and defeat.

Painstakingly researched and collected from personal interviews, official archives, and declassified documents, these fresh, fast-paced accounts take you directly into the minds of the men and women who misled their enemy, uncovered military secrets, and furthered their cause by any means possible: stealing Hitler’s secret weapon, “smuggling” ships to England, financing an FBI coup, impersonating a submarine fleet, unmasking German spies, and even sending Nazis into the White House.

From Nazi Germany on the march to the Allies’ victory, you’ll marvel at the actions of:
Ladislas Farago, who was formally classified as insane and yet on active duty in the US Navy, operating as a secret agent
The nine Germans who “captured” Belgrade by means of a bold bluff
London’s devious “Shadow Warrior,” who invented rumors to throw Germany off its guard and drive a wedge between the Nazi leaders and the military
The Oslo Gang, whose mind-boggling exploits helped to convict Norwegian traitors and German war criminals soon after the liberation
Greta Garbo, the world-famous Swedish actress who worked undercover for the British and reported on Nazi sympathizers
Writing in an engaging, dramatic style, Breuer is once again at the top of his form, uncovering nuggets of espionage that will enthrall World War II buffs, hungry for new stories of the war, as well as anyone interested in compelling tales of history.