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Dark Age Kingdoms (Warband Edition)

By: Wargame Shop

Type: Module

Product Line: Dark Age Kingdoms (Wargame Shop UK)

MSRP old price: $28.04

Product Info

Dark Age Kingdoms (Warband Edition)
Publish Year
NKG Part #
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This is the paperback edition of the Dark Age Kingdoms rules, it contains 70 pages.

The rules allow you to create a small warband of 24 warriors, and attach a special character and a warband leader. Some warriors may have tailored personalities and others may have faction special abilities or traits. Warriors can be of a veteran, seasoned, blooded or tenderfoot class. This allows full customization for a warband, who can be selected for a specific encounter.

The rule system is founded on actions and reactions throughout the game, it allows each figure to undertake a single action each round and any number of reactions. You have to be thoughtful about them, since you start each bound with a finite number of actions and each reaction reduces the available pool of actions.

Actions are simply divided in to three categories movement actions, missile actions and combat actions, these are then sub-divided in to three major types, command, special and normal. There are also four minor actions, free, optional, compulsory and restrictive, these are allowed to shape the one major action that is executed.

To spice up the game each side may select up to six event cards from the one hundred provided, see free pdf downloads below. If used, they can be replenished at the start of each bound. These cards allow a one-off event that will have a minor effect on the battle or all have secondary combat modifiers that can be used instead when a warrior is fighting.