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Bomb Run

By: RYG Games

Type: Boxed Game

Product Line: R.Y.G. Games (Card Games)

Product Info

Bomb Run
Publish Year
NKG Part #
Age Range
12 Years and Up
# Players
1 Players
Game Length
5 - 20 Minutes


Bomb Run is designed to provide the framework of an immersive and sometimes emotional experience that may or may not have a happy ending. No mission will be the same, but it is your story and your imagination forms the narrative.

Each game simulates a World War II Bombing mission over Europe in a B17G Flying Fortress. Each mission builds on the last mission with the ultimate objective to get as much of the 10-man crew through the required 25 missions.

Players will physically mark on the crew cards to show their record of downed enemy planes and completed missions. Use a sharpie. The cards are coated with a UV protection which allows you to clean your card off with an alcohol swab to reset it.

Bomb Run is a solitaire, deck-in-hand, card game. That means there is no table-top required and the entire game fits in the player’s hand. Each mission takes on average less than 10 minutes, but it can easily be put away and picked up later and continued mid-mission.