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Product Info

Goblin Grapple (Deluxe Edition)
Publish Year
NKG Part #
Boxed Game
Age Range
14 Years and Up
# Players
2 - 4 Players
Game Length
30 - 45 Minutes


Goblin Grapple is a suspenseful 2-4 player strategy card game. In Goblin Grapple, the goblin clans are at war, and your goal is to unite the clans by proving your strength in battle. The game is extremely family and kid-friendly, as well as being a great filler game for more serious gamers between heavier games.

In Goblin Grapple, players race to gain points by collecting goblins in battle. The goal of the game is to collect 100 points worth of goblins over multiple rounds of play. Players start the game with 5 goblin cards and can use them to build their armies and challenge their opponents. Some goblins have special abilities, like the spy, which can be played to steal another player’s card.

Goblin cards are secretly played into armies, which are worth points at the end of the round, with the last goblin card played being revealed when entering battle. On your turn you will start by drawing a card and then taking as many actions as you’d like. To play a goblin into your army, play one card face down in front of you, creating a stack of cards. These cards will defend you if you are attacked by another player.

To challenge another player’s army, choose a player, and play a goblin from your hand face-up. The defender will then reveal their last army card played. The stronger goblin wins the battle, unless special goblin abilities are activated, and the winning player will take all face up cards from the battle, placing them into their garrison. Once a garrison reaches 21 points or more, the round ends. All players will add points from their garrison and army to their total score.