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#4 "The Treason of the Guitar, Classless Lamentations of the Flame Princess, Smother, Dream Trolls" (Color Cover Edition)

By: Melsonian Arts Council

Type: Magazine

Product Line: Undercroft, The (Lamentations of the Flame Princess Zine)

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#4 "The Treason of the Guitar, Classless Lamentations of the Flame Princess, Smother, Dream Trolls" (Color Cover Edition)
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A Womb With a View.

Watch it slither down mother's leg. Admire the glistening splendor sat squirming on the floor. Look! Barry's here, he couldn't stay away and continues to confuse history with his gentle hand. See here! Employ rules to impart a paradoxical formlessness, thank you Lord Inar, or Mr. Gacy to you. Lawks! It's Master Gearing come back from the wars with another monstrosity. Lo! It's the prettiest Princess, come with another troll he claims to be dreamy but I see it for what it is. Each a precious facet of the creature you hold in your arms, a moribund remnant of an effort spent. It only wants to be loved.