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Fast Freddy's Hong Kong Dice Game

By: Jax

Type: Boxed Game

Product Line: Dice Games (Jax)

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Product Info

Fast Freddy's Hong Kong Dice Game
Product Line
Publish Year
NKG Part #
Age Range
8 Years and Up
# Players
2 Players
Game Length
10 Minutes


There are 6 special dice, red, white and blue chips, score pads, and a very nice dice cup. A die has 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 pips on one side. All the other sides of the dice are blank. Well, that's not exactly true ... The 2 pip die has a Red Dragon on the face opposite the 2 pips. So, we have 36 sides, but only 7 of the sides have pips and the Red Dragon. Each player starts with 20 points worth of chips. (White = 1 point, Red = 5 points, and Blue = 10 points) Play begins with each player putting 5 points in the pot. On your turn, roll the dice and count the pips. The player then takes that many points out of the pot. If there are not enough points in the pot, then the player adds points to the pot until the pot equals the numbers of pips rolled. There are special payment and rewards for rolling all blanks and for when the Red Dragon is rolled. The first time any player does not have enough points to pay the pot, the set has ended. All remaining players total their points and mark them on the score pad (provided with the game) and a new set is started.