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Viva Yo! Wargame Rules for the Spanish Civil War

By: CreateSpace

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Instructional Books (CreateSpace)

MSRP old price: $17.99

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Viva Yo! Wargame Rules for the Spanish Civil War
T.L. Jones
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Viva Yo! Wargame Rules For The Spanish Civil War by T.L. Jones Whether you are a seasoned wargamer or new to the hobby, you will find something to inspire you in these carefully spelt out and wide ranging wargame rules.Move a mule, manhandle a field gun, fire on a fixed line, load up an armoured lorry, blow up a bridge, climb walls, build barricades, make minefields.Use barrages, air raids, anti-aircraft fire, suppressing fire, flame-throwers, machine guns, rifles, hand grenades, petrol bombs.Climate: You might fight by night or by day. In wet weather, hot weather, fog, or snow.Concealment: Your stuff might suddenly pop up where the other side doesn't want it to be. Or vice versa!Communications: Set up a field telephone system and reap the benefits.Command: In the Viva Yo! Wargame Rules there is an easy to administer system for deciding where on the battlefield command influence is weak or strong. Where it's weak, watch out! Your troops will run away!Conclusions: In the Viva Yo! Wargame Rules there is a range of mechanisms for assessing the outcome of a Game.Chaos and Confusion: Troops won't always go where you want them to. Weapons won't always fire at what you want them to fire at. Your troops might end up fighting for the other side!Complexity: But not if you don't want it. The basic mechanisms of the rules are straighforward. By controlling the use of optional rules and limiting the number and type of model items that you use, you can create a quick and easy Game.Lots of words beginning with C, all adding up to one big SI! to Viva Yo! Wargame Rules For The Spanish Civil War by T.L. Jones What Is Wargaming?Historical wargamers fight battles using miniature model figures. Rules are used to help create authentic historical conditions and make possible competitive play between individuals or teams. In order to introduce an element of chance and unpredictability, some events are decided by dice throws.Choice Of Scale.A number of different scales, or figure sizes, can be used for wargaming. The Viva Yo! Wargame Rules are intended for 20mm figures, that is, figures made to an approximate scale of 20mm equals 6 feet.Models and figures described as 1/72 or 1/76 scale can normally be used alongside or instead of those described as 20mm scale.These rules can also be used with 25mm or 15mm figures, subject to the following. For 25mm figures, increase all stated distances by one quarter. For 15mm figures, decrease all stated distances by one quarter.