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World's Largest City - Maps Only!

By: AEG (Alderac Entertainment Group)

Type: Ziplock

Product Line: World's Largest Series, The (d20)

Last Stocked on 6/4/2022

Product Info

World's Largest City - Maps Only!
Publish Year
NKG Part #


This product listing is for only the 16 poster maps of World's Largest City.

At this time, the World's Largest City has been declared unsafe for standard tourism. There have been numerous reports of undead horrors running amok in the sewers, and possibly fouling the drinking water. The Thieves Guild has run rampant across the many marketplaces, filled with a plethora of dishonest merchants. Current reports of a local government made unstable by actions of rogue wizards and nobles make for considerable danger and possible outbreak of civil disobedience. It is the Wizard Council of Alderac's recommendation that all tourism be suspended until further notice. Following in the rather large footsteps of the World's Largest Dungeon, the World's Largest City presents a city that covers 16 full-color maps and should keep your players occupied for a whole campaign of adventure!