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Last Stocked on 11/18/2023

Product Info

Wolomin 1920
NKG Part #
Age Range
14 Years and Up
# Players
2 Players
Game Length
60 - 180 Minutes


In summer 1920, the Polish armed conflict with the Bolshevik Russia, ongoing since 1918, entered the decisive phase of the final settlement. Poland starting victorious from this confrontation, remained independent and sovereign state, with such difficulty-won after 123 years of partition. Russia and, after his victory in the war with the Polish, saw the possibility of transferring the proletarian revolution in Western Europe.

Commander of the Polish army - Jozef Pilsudski - seeing the Bolsheviks to the preparation of a general battle with the Polish, has decided to pre-emptive strike, the direction of Kiev. After initial successes of the Polish Army in July 1920, the Red Army launched the offensive. Conducted by the troops of Marshal Mikhail Tukhachevsky Red Army Western Front (ACz.), forced the Polish armies to retreat.

In the first days of August (6.08), the Supreme Commander Jozef Pilsudski decided to stop a Russian attack on the outskirts of Warsaw, and then after the shots from above the flanking Wkra and later Wieprza, go to the rear ACz. and forced to retreat.

The most important task in this operation were to carry troops, who took the brunt of the impact of the Red Army led by Marshal Mikhail Tukhachevsky on the outskirts of Warsaw.

Wolomin 1920 is a Polish game about the Battle of Warsaw. This battle was fought from August 13 to August 25, 1920 as Red Army forces commanded by Mikhail Tukhachevski approached the Polish capital of Warsaw and nearby Modlin Fortress. On August 16, Polish forces commanded by Józef Pilsudski counter-attacked from the south, forcing the Russian forces into a disorganized withdrawal eastward and behind the Niemen River.

Games are in Polish and do not include English translations unless otherwise noted in the condition note.