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Charge of the 3 Kings, The - Las Navas de Tolosa 1212 (La Carga de los 3 Reyes)

By: MasQueOca Ediciones

Type: Boxed Game

Product Line: NAC Wargames

MSRP old price: $110.95

Product Info

Charge of the 3 Kings, The - Las Navas de Tolosa 1212 (La Carga de los 3 Reyes)
Product Line
Carlos Diaz
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #
Age Range
14 Years and Up
# Players
2 Players
Game Length
120 - 240 Minutes


This game recreates the battle that was, forgive the audacity, surely the most important of the Reconquest, and that had a crusade character promoted by the Archbishop of Toledo, Jiménez de Rada , and to which Christians not only attended from all the peninsular kingdoms, but also seasoned soldiers from different parts of Europe attended this call.

In 1212, Alfonso VIII decided that it was time to take revenge for the defeat he had suffered a few years earlier in Alarcos at the hands of the Almohads. These had come to the Peninsula from the Maghreb with strict religious regulations, subjecting the Andalusians and their administration to them, with the intention of spreading Islam towards Christian territories. At that time, the Peninsula was divided between five Christian kingdoms: Castilla, León, Aragón, Portugal and Navarra. However, being Christianly linked did not make these kingdoms a unified and mutually respectful whole, but rather they were at odds with each other and each had their own interests. Alfonso VIII of Castile requests the crusade bull for the campaign against the Muslims and thus ensure, if not the participation of these other kingdoms, at least not be attacked from the rear on the occasion of his departure to the south. The pope grants the character of a crusade to this action, which causes knights and kings to come from other kingdoms and places in Europe, in addition to their peninsular neighbors.


  • 1 Mounted Board 95 x 80 cm
  • 90 Muslim Unit
  • 70 Christian Unit Tokens
  • 10 +2 Cavalry Charge Tokens
  • 5 +1 Cavalry Charge Tokens
  • 10 Formation Activation
  • 12 Cavalry Tokens formation activation
  • 1 turn marker
  • 1 initiative
  • 4 command point
  • 2 special markers
  • 2 6-sided
  • 2 8-sided dice
  • 60 tactics and strategy cards
  • 2 cheat sheets
  • 1 divider screen for hidden display
  • 1 rule
  • 1 historical and scenario book