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By: Good Luck Press

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Role Playing Games(Good Luck Press)

MSRP old price: $30.00

Product Info

Will Jobst
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


TORQ is a roleplaying game for 2-5 players, built for single-session or multi-session campaign play. In TORQ, you are a driver: a traveller with special talents who ventures from community-to-community to help in anyway they can (touchstones: Mad Max, Death Stranding, Redline).

TORQ: Operator Manual is a 100-page, 8.5 x 5.5 inches full-color perfectbound book with photography, illustrations, and all the rules needed to play. Every edition comes with a digital print-and-play kit.

TORQ is two games built into one.

Road, a quick tactical game where players drive through a hostile world using a playmat: a modular grid representing the many highways, mountain passes, wide-open canyons, and city streets of TORQ. Powered by a unique tactical system, drivers dodge obstacles, investigate oddities, and thrash those who stand against them.

Reststop, a character-focused roleplaying game where drivers visit communities, bringing their special talents to those who need it. The Reststop is a low-stakes, chill hangout portion of the game where players inhabit different characters in each community, playing scenes and building the world together. Ply your trade, whether you’re a:

  • Modem, one who brings social media to communities
  • Aggie, the botanist in this weird world that studies the flora and its properties
  • Speakerbox, the master of ceremonies that brings the noise and music

    TORQ’s world exists after a global change. Is that a disaster, an apocalypse, a choice? Create and play vignettes of this weirded-world, a world where people and communities strike a truce with the hostile environment, surviving and thriving in a post-anthropocene world. TORQ’s world is more humanistic than its post-apocalyptic predecessors: this is not a game for prepper-power fantasy, gun nut brinksmanship, or a rehash of feudalism. TORQ’s world is one of many communities living independently and together, tied together by the driver’s who make it from point A to point B, mutual aid, and the weird world.

    In your game of TORQ, create that world and those places, inhabit the people finding connection and joy in a different world.