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Check This Artifact (3rd Printing)

By: Mudpuppy Games

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Role Playing Games Supplements (Mudpuppy Games)

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Product Info

Check This Artifact (3rd Printing)
Jim Wampler
Publish Year
NKG Part #


Treasure or Terror?

You caught the glint of metal underneath the dirt and the damp, so you started digging. With a little effort, and one eye on any challengers to your claim, you held your prize.

An artifact of the Ancient Makers!

But now your wariness increases to an almost audible pitch, as you begin the most dangerous of all tasks — you examine its mysterious surfaces, studs, and touchplates. Your fellow rovers, wise to the ways of the Before Time, all begin to back up to a respectable distance, lest they be caught in any mishaps at your hands and your sweating fingertips. Now comes the time for both luck and determination. Can you unlock and master the secrets of this device of ancient imperishable power?

What’s Between the Covers

Clocking in at 60 pages and crammed with content, Check This Artifact contains 30 brand-new artifacts of the Ancient Makers, plus a full write up of a new godlike AI and its neural programs, all for use in any d20-based post-apocalyptic role playing game. Penned by the creator of Mutant Crawl Classics RPG and published by Mudpuppy Games, these powerful technological treasures are more than mere artifacts, because each item in this book is a plot hook and a potential mini-adventure in the making.

Check This Artifact presents artifacts for your players to attempt to track down, tame, and temper — including weapons, armor, robots, AIs, and those extra-special items that are the sole purview of far-future fiction.

Created and produced by: Jim Wampler
Edited by: Tim Kask
Cover art: Brian Cargile of TwoHornsUnited Creations
Interior art: David Marcus Coppoletti, Cory “Shonuff” Gelnett, Dan Smith, Jim Wampler, James V. West