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North Cape (Premium Condition Reissue)

By: Fellowship of the Thing

Type: Boxed Game

Product Line: North Cape (Fellowship of the Thing)

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Search on North Cape

MSRP old price: $174.95

Product Info

North Cape (Premium Condition Reissue)
Publish Year
NKG Part #
Age Range
14 Years and Up
# Players
2 Players
Game Length
120 Minutes


The Fellowship of the Thing, Ltd, in partnership with C in C Casting Company, and Lonnie Gill, present a limited-edition new-old-stock release of their 1978 naval miniatures board game.

From the original marketing materials:

“NORTH CAPE is a simulation of surface naval combat during 1939-43, using C in C's unique game system combining the visual appeal of naval ship miniatures with the convenience of a board game. Two players, representing the respective commanders, maneuver scale warship replicas and engage in combat to achieve victory for their commands. Eight different historical scenarios provide you a chance to try your skill in a wide variety of tactical situations. Two scenarios can also be played as solitaire. In addition, a campaign game offers wider scope and endless variety.”

Naval History and the Exhilaration of Command (The Scenario):

During World War II, the Arctic Ocean was the scene of a bitter struggle between Britain's Royal Navy and the German Kriegsmarine as the Allies attempted to sail supplies to the hard-pressed Russians. Convoys ran a gauntlet of round-the-clock air and submarine attacks during the summer months as they steamed past the North Cape of Norway on their way to Murmansk. The perpetual darkness of the Arctic winter brought relief from the Luftwaffe in exchange for the more ominous dangers of the German surface warships. Desperate clashes took place between the convoy escorts and the determined attackers while the American and British merchant ships struggled through the freezing storm-tossed waters of the Barents Sea…

A Classic Game System

From novice wargamer to experienced sea dog, this is an essential addition to any war game collection. Only 28 pages long, the rules are short and easily understood. Yet, the intensity and variety of play are limitless due to the 'Campaign Game' format.

Easy to play, with three levels of complexity:

Start with the Basic Game, and learn the core ideas of naval combat. Next, move on to the Advanced Game; this provides greater realism with rules for tactical control, ammunition limitations, and search radar. Once you've mastered the tactical rules, you're ready for the Campaign Game, in which you create your own strategic and tactical situations by secretly plotting your fleet's movement in the Barents Sea. The addition of the "fog of war,” submarines, and air attack makes for a challenging test of command.

What you get in a Vintage Boxed Set:

  • 1 Vintage 1978 Game Box
  • 1 Allied Ship Set 1 (12 Miniatures - Contains these classes of ships: King George V, Kent, Town, Colony, and 2 Leander, plus 6 destroyers.)
  • 1 Axis Ship Set 1 (12 Miniatures Contains these classes of ships: Scharnhorst, Lutzow, Hipper, and Konigsberg, plus 8 destroyers)
  • 1 Vintage 1978 North Cape Rule Book
  • 9 Reproduction Modular Game Boards. Boards are 9" x 10.5" with a 10 x 10 hexagonal grid (100 one-inch hexagons).
  • New Set of 6-Sided Koplow Dice (1 red, 1 white, and 1 green)
  • 1 Vintage 1978 Double-sided Game Chart sheet (Tan)
  • 1 Vintage 1978 Smoke and Illumination Marker sheet (Yellow)
  • 1 Vintage 1978 Ship Identification Chart with Campaign Game Tables on the reverse side
  • 6 Vintage 1978 Campaign Strategic Map sheets with Allied Ship Damage Log on the reverse side
  • 6 Vintage 1978 Campaign Strategic Map sheets with Axis Ship Damage Log on the reverse side
  • 1 Rule Corrections and Clarification Sheet (Pale Blue)

    Premium Condition North Cape Sets - For Collectors

    These have:

  • discoloration from oxidation on one side of the box
  • expansion and bowing, but no physical damage such as crushed corners or creased covers
  • no moisture spots
  • very minor to no friction scuffs
  • minor to no manufacturing irregularities