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1985 - Sacred Oil

By: Thin Red Line Games

Type: Boxed Game

Product Line: War Games (Thin Red Line)

Price Reduced
Price Reduced
Price Reduced

Product Info

1985 - Sacred Oil
Publish Year
NKG Part #
Age Range
16 Years and Up
# Players
1 - 6 Players
Game Length
300 - 3000 Minutes


1985: Sacred Oil covers the Soviet offensive in the Persian Gulf area, today recognized as the prelude to World War Three. Initially limited to Soviet Union, Iran and Iraq, the conflict quickly extended to other Arab countries, US and finally NATO and Warsaw Pact.

The complex Middle East political situation, the logistical problems and the distances involved are only some of the challenges both sides must face. Soviet Union must avoid an early full mobilization of the West, while United States and its allies must interpret Kremlin's real intents and react in an appropriate manner.

As in the other 1985 modules, every aspect of a modern conflict is covered in detail. Sacred Oil raises the stakes by having no fixed Order Of Battle and a field of action encompassing the whole globe.