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Descent Freespace - The Great War / Silent Threat

By: Interplay

Type: Software (unboxed)

Product Line: Computer Games (Interplay)

Last Stocked on 1/17/2024

Product Info

Descent Freespace - The Great War / Silent Threat
NKG Part #


The Great War puts you into a critical situation. Planet earth has been attacked by an alien race know as the Shivans. They have not responded to friendly communication and are on a rampage around the solar system. The GTA (Global Terran Alliance) has dispatched fleets of space fighters and battleships to stop the Shivan destruction. You, as a GTA member have joined the war for survival to hopefully preserve the future and prosperity of the people on Earth. Yet, at such a technological disadvantage to the Shivans, hope is hard to come by. Featuring 30 campaign levels, 20 multi-player missions, eight different ships, plenty of weapons, and a whole slew of tactics for use, this game features a war of epic proportions where only the species with the most might and drive will win. Also featured in the game is a mission editor called "FRED" that will allow you to alter existing missions or create new ones so that campaigns can progress the way you want them. Artificial Intelligence for the computer players has also been upgraded from previous Descent games, so you will definitely have a fight on your hands.

The additional CD-ROM, Descent: Freespace -- Silent Threat takes place during the raging war of the first CD-ROM, but you have been commissioned a special task. You are to go behind enemy lines and retrieve information vital to the GTA. Although, you can't help but wonder if the GTI (Global Terran Intelligence) is setting you up or if the Shivans really are up to no good. With this question posed, you accept the mission and head to your ship. This add-on features 40 new missions to challenge yourself with and a plethora of new ships and weapons to make the game even more involved.

Each game supports Internet and LAN play for up to 12 people in a variety of different styles. Dog fighting, strategy tasks or large-scale team battles all await you and your friends in over 20 different unique multi-player missions and levels.

Note this product does not include the box, however is otherwise complete.