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Gabriel Knight 3 - Blood of the Sacred

By: Sierra

Type: Software (unboxed)

Product Line: Computer Games (Sierra)


Last Stocked on 12/23/2022

Product Info

Gabriel Knight 3 - Blood of the Sacred
Publish Year
NKG Part #


Embark with a journey through the depths of one man's consciousness to confront the demons from his past and escape the imprisonment of his mind. You begin the game not knowing who you are or where you are with bandages all over your face. You will soon learn where you are and over time begin to learn your past through flash backs and re-live those flash backs. You will have to discover are you having a nightmare, are you insane, are you in reality, or maybe are experiencing death. During the game you will have to discover various mysteries and puzzles, play games and much more. In Sanitarium you will Journey through photo realistic full screen cinematic, eerie point sourced sound effects and listen do a haunting digital sound track. Sanitarium is a must for any game player that loved the mystery solving of Myst, Riven, or Obsidian.

The third game in Gabriel Knight series takes our hero Gabriel Knight, the former owner of a book store in New Orleans, and now a Schattenjäger ("shadow hunter") living in a castle in Bavaria, to Rennes-le-Chateau, a quiet town in Southern France. Gabriel and his assistant Grace Nakimura investigate the kidnapping of a baby: the son of Prince James of Albany was taken away, and the trace leads to Rennes-le-Chateau. While exploring the town and its surroundings and getting acquainted with the unusual history of the place, Gabriel and Grace realize supernatural beings are pulling the strings behind the scene, and get involved in a suspenseful mystery with a rich religious background.

"Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned" is a 3D adventure game. Playing as Gabriel or Grace, you move through the fully 3D environment, which you can also view and explore from first-person perspective using the "camera" option. You interact with people and objects by clicking on them and then selecting one of the available actions. There are many kinds of puzzles in the game: traditional inventory-based ones, detective investigation, as well as complex puzzles based on your knowledge of the game's story.


  • Encounter intricate puzzles critical to solving this ancient mystery
  • Find, acquire (and steal) a vast inventory of clues, tools, cash and more
  • Interact with an eclectic cast of characters each with their own agenda – Who can you believe?
  • Use the Schattenjager Information Data Base to search for historical significance, clues and more to complete your quest


  • 3 X CD-ROM Discs
  • A 36-page Owner Manual
  • A Prologue manual


  • Win95/98
  • Pentium 166 with 1st 3D card with 4 Mb of RAM
  • Pentium 233 without 3D card 32Mg of RAM
  • Preferred Pentium II 266 second generation 3D card