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Set II - The Next Level

By: Dorkmen Games

Type: Box Set

Product Line: Pocket Adventure Card System (PACS)

Last Stocked on 8/28/2022

Product Info

Set II - The Next Level
NKG Part #


PACS (Pocket Adventures Card System) is an entire RPG (Role Playing Game) that fits into a deck of cards. As a non-collectable card game, with a Base Set of PACS and a pocketful of change you're ready for hours of play where no two sessions need ever be the same. Players familiar with RPGs will be right at home, and those new to RPGs will find PACS as an excellent entry point for the genre.

PACS plays like a typical tabletop RPG with the following changes:

You flip coins instead of rolling dice. For most actions in PACS you flip three coins, count the number of ‘heads’, add that to the appropriate Aptitude Score, and determine whether your result is a success or failure. If you want to roll dice, determine a way to divide the numbers on your die into a 50/50 chance. Common options are evens/odds or high/low.

There is no battle-grid. It is assumed each Hero and Foe is in range of each other. The DM can adjudicate differently as they see fit.

There are no hit-points. A Hero or Foe has three statuses: Uninjured, Injured, and Defeated. A card’s orientation represents what state the Hero of Foe is in.

Even though there are no 'experience points', characters can still advance. PACS cannot replace the complexity of a typical tabletop RPG, nor does it try to. It is ideal for introducing new players to RPGs, filling time between game sessions, or serving as a quick and fun way to allow other players to DM. As such, PACS Set I allows for Heroes to become more powerful as they gather Loot. PACS Set II offers options for leveling characters up (and the options are fully compatible with Set I).