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Bonaparte in Italy - The Castiglione Campaign 1796

By: White Dog Games

Type: Ziplock

Product Line: War Games (White Dog Games)

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Bonaparte in Italy - The Castiglione Campaign 1796
Jacques Rabier
Publish Year
NKG Part #
Age Range
13 Years and Up


In 1796, the French Republic sent a young, inexperienced general named Napoleon Bonaparte to fight the Austrians in northern Italy. Bonaparte gained international fame when he defeated the Sardinian and Austrian troops during the Campaign of Montenotte. Bonaparte then captured Milan and laid siege to the Austrian fortress city of Mantua. The Austrians reacted by sending an army under one of their ablest commanders, General Wurmser, with the intention of relieving mantua and teaching the upstart French general a lesson, setting the stage for what was later known as the Castiglione Campaign.

Bonaparte in Italy: The Castiglione Campaign is a two-player game of strategy and tactics about the Campaign of Castiglione which took place in Northern Italy in late July & early August of 1796. One player controls the French Army of Italy under Napoleon Bonaparte while the opponent leads the Austrian forces of General Wurmser.

The game is played on a point-to-point map representing the region of Mantua, and uses a simple system stressing the importance of command and supply. Game counters represent historical brigades and leaders that fought during the campaign. Combat takes into account the role of leadership, cavalry, and artillery. Players must carefully monitor the Cohesion Status of their troops and choose the most appropriate times to use “Forced Marches” and “Marches to the Sound of the Guns” to win the decision. Additional chrome includes rules for Mantua, bridge destruction, garrisons, and cavalry pursuit – and optional rules for Leader casualties, Fog of War, and Reconnaissance. Players must use actual Napoleonic strategies in order to win the day.

It is up to you as the Austrian player to put an early end to Napoleon’s career, or as the French player to duplicate one of the Little Corporal’s first glorious feats of arms.

Are you up to the challenge, General?

Game components:

  • One rulebook (including design notes)
  • One play book (including optional rules)
  • One extended example of play book
  • Player aids
  • One combat board
  • One 25”x22” game map
  • 176 5/8” double sided game counters