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Duck Dealer

By: Splotter Spellen

Type: Boxed Game

Product Line: Board Games (Splotter Spellen)

Last Stocked on 8/12/2024

Product Info

Duck Dealer
Publish Year
NKG Part #
Age Range
14 Years and Up
# Players
2 - 5 Players
Game Length
180 - 240 Minutes


As he walks to his spaceship, he hears a soft sound that sounds like muffled crying. He turns around, once more, and smiles at his wife. “I’ll be back in no-time. Just selling these old rubber duckies on the next space station and that’ll be all”. But they both know it’s not true. Because if it were, what would all that blue paint and satellite equipment in the ship’s cargo hold be for? And why would he have needed to out fit his once-modest scout class ship with heavy duty construction equipment” “I know you’re doing this to make us all proud”, his wife says, trying to smile through her tears. “I just hope this time the plan will work out”. “Don’t worry my love” he answers. “I’ve got everything under control”. But they both know…

Duck Dealer is a game of involved, complex planning, set against a background of intergalactic trade.