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Disposable Heroes

By: Sandy Pug Games

Type: Box Set

Product Line: Role Playing Games (Sandy Pug Games)

MSRP old price: $40.00

Product Info

Disposable Heroes
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #
Box Set


Disposable Heroes is a fast paced tabletop RPG set in a near-future fantasy world city named Neo-Francisco. You play as package delivery people with incredible abilities, doing their best to survive and get that 5 Star rating that means they can eat that week.

At the start of the game, players get at least one card from a deck - each card is a Disposable Hero, a character with an ability, a weapon, stats and an animal. Players roleplay as this character until they take any form of damage, then that character is discarded, and a new one drawn from a deck. The deck contains over 60 cards, ranging from the Badger Fighter to the Soul Tamer Elephant.

Visually the game is reminiscent of Jet Set Radio and Lethal League, with a funky electro-funk art style, and a high energy gameplay.