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Product Info

Cowboys II
Product Line
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #
Age Range
10 Years and Up
# Players
1 - 10 Players
Game Length
30 - 90 Minutes


COWBOYS II is a game about the old west. Some fact, some fiction, it pits opposing sides against each other, bringing to life the daring and dastardly deeds of heroes and villains when the way of the gun ruled the day. The main characters are cowboys. These were the lawmen, gunfighters, gamblers, and ne’er do wells who knew how to handle themselves during a gunfight. Also the town folk will show up to rescue the day or add a much needed gun to the fight. Watch out, you never know when the Indians are going to show up.

Some gunfighters are better than others and this is shown through modifiers for skill. Beware, being the top shot often means you are the first target. Who do you bring to the dance? Pistols, rifle, or shotgun? All are deadly. Each has limitations. And, what would a cowboy be without his trusty horse which allows him to get outta town twice as fast as boot leather and some cards and a bit of luck? A well played hand can leave you walking from the table with a smile, and your opponent in a bad fix. Gunfights in COWBOYS II use cards to show luck (good and bad), daring, bravery (or lack of it), and skills. So take your drink, steady your hand, and prepare to slap leather and draw…