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Nova Praxis (Savage Worlds Edition)

By: Void Star Studios

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Nova Praxis

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Nova Praxis (Savage Worlds Edition)
Product Line
Mike McConnell
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Earth is lost to us, but even in the aftermath of this terrible tragedy, we grow, evolve, and even prosper. We have witnessed the death of our mother and the birth of a new era.

In what might have been the end, salvation was found in the synthesis of biology and technology. Augmentation, ranging from basic genetic manipulation to Apotheosis, set us on the path of prosperity. And more, these advances reinforced the importance of identity, individuality, and what it means to be human.

The loss of Earth and the resulting Exodus gave us an opportunity to start over with a clean slate. And we seized it.

The need for organization, stability, and a reliable government was clear, but the old ways came to be viewed by the survivors as archaic, clumsy, and too easily corrupted.

It was time for a new way…a Nova Praxis.

Today, social networks allow the will of the people to be measured instantly, accurately, and without the need for representation. The Coalition, guided by the collective voice of its people, has established new homes on worlds lit by new suns. Molecular assembly technology has made it possible for society to provide a quality of life never before imagined, at essentially no cost, to everyone. And we are virtually immortal.

But can this would-be utopia last?

Corruption in the Coalition government fosters decay from within. The Houses, our benefactors and patrons, run shadowy networks of intrigue, espionage, and assassination. Apostates, those who refuse citizenship in the Coalition, condemn those who would trade their privacy for the Coalition’s security. Remnants of Earth’s old governments wage a guerilla war on Coalition forces. Ideological extremists commit acts of terror using the latest horror to spring from a factory or test tube…

And the value of a human soul is weighed and measured in lines of code.

Nova Praxis is a post-singularity sci-fi setting that explores transhumanism and post-scarcity societies against a backdrop of action, adventure, conspiracy, and intrigue.