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d6 Carousing Results

By: Just Games Rochester

Type: Supplies

Product Line: Assorted Dice (Just Games Rochester)

Last Stocked on 8/17/2023

Product Info

d6 Carousing Results
Publish Year
NKG Part #


The Dungeon Features series of dice continues, bringing this line up to a total of 11 dice, all d6s, all part of building an elaborate, randomized dungeon. You decide what category of room the players discover, and the dice do the rest! Build hallways, castles, ruin fortresses, ancient temples and more!

So your players got out of the dungeon, survived the dragon, and carried the horde home! Now they’re going to spend some time on R&R in the town, and each of them expects you to have a unique and exciting story planned for their random and unexpected decisions while living it up – enter, the Carousing Results d6. Wonder what happens after you chase that thief down a side ally, or gamble with the mob, or pick a fight in the tavern? Well…

Carousing Results might be…

  • Jailed
  • Robbed
  • Make Enemy
  • Romance
  • Lose gambling
  • Win gambling