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Great Game, The

By: Fainting Goat Games

Type: Module

Product Line: Icons RPG (Fainting Goat Games)

Last Stocked on 5/4/2022

Product Info

Great Game, The
NKG Part #


Cosmic Action for the ICONS RPG!

A mad god searches for a dark ritual that will give him the means to destroy the universe. A corrupt space-police organization enslaves civilized worlds to enrich itself. An empire of sentient machines is exterminating any biological life in its path. Pirates prey upon the space-ways with impunity.

Meanwhile, the forces of order and good are retreating, scattered and embattled.

The universe needs heroes!

The Great Game blasts you into the far reaches of the cosmos with characters, organizations, starship stats and advice for running a space-based supers campaign.

Written by a stellar cast of RPG talent (including Steve Perrin and Jason Tondro (aka Doctor Comics)) with many a fond tip of the Kirby Crackling Hat to the cosmic supers of yore, The Great Game is a Cosmic Supers setting for the ICONS Superpowered Roleplaying Game that puts the PCs in the center of the action. It is based in the Stark City Campaign setting and is fully compatible with ICONS Great Power.