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Magnificent Disaster, A - The Failure of Market Garden, The Arnhem Operation, September 1944

By: Casemate Publishing

Type: Hardcover

Product Line: Historical Reference Books (Casemate Publishing)

Last Stocked on 8/6/2021

Product Info

Magnificent Disaster, A - The Failure of Market Garden, The Arnhem Operation, September 1944
David Bennett
Publish Year
NKG Part #


After Normandy, the most spectacular Allied offensive of World War II was Operation Market Garden, which saw three divisions of paratroopers dropped behind German lines, to be joined by massive armored columns breaking through the front. The ultimate object was to seize a crossing over the Rhine to outflank the heartland of the Third Reich and force a quick end to the war. The Operation utterly failed, of course, as the 1st British Airborne was practically wiped out, the American 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions became tied down in vicious combat for months, and the vaunted armored columns were foiled at every turn by improvisational German defenses.

In many circles the battle has become known as “Hitler’s last victory.” In this work, many years in the making, Professor Bennett puts forward a complete, balanced and comprehensive account of the British, American, Polish, Canadian and German actions, as well as the strategic background of the Operation in a way not yet done. He shows, for example, that rather than a bridgehead over the Rhine, Montgomery’s ultimate aim was to flank the Ruhr industrial area from the north. The book also deals as never before with the key role of all three Corps of British Second Army, not just Horrocks’ central XXX Corps.