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Last Stocked on 1/30/2022

Product Info

We Only Kill Each Other
P.R. Wilson
Publish Year
NKG Part #


"We Only Kill Each Other" (WOKEO) has been in development for over fifteen years with an emphasis on "realism," rather than Hollywood and legend. It's a fast-paced game of criminal-on-criminal violence with the possible involvement of law enforcement. Other rules make no distinctions between three distinct "theaters" in this era of criminal enterprise with the common denominator of violence--"Beers Wars," (1920-1933), "Dillinger Days" (1934-35), and "Mafia Wars" (1931-35). Each has distinctive features making it unique regarding characters and possible games.

Characters are generated in detail by types/classes (but don’t think of D&D!)—gangsters, hoodlums, police, detectives, FBI and Treasury Agents, each with the opportunity for skills, areas of special knowledge, and even weaponry by period and subject. Distinguishing Features, including Peculiarities/Personality Quirks/Addictions/Compulsive Behaviors, Speech Impediments, as well as detailed physical attributes and Criminal Records, are just some of the descriptors that will apply.

WOKEO recognizes that such criminals are not soldiers, responding to orders and formal leadership. They tend to be violent, under-educated, and commonly unintelligent, striking by stealth and surprise, rather than seeking stand up battles. "Discipline and duty" do not characterize them, while opportunism and fear of retaliation does.

Combat rules are fast and deadly, with a wide variety of basic weapon types available—but players can rarely make the choice. Tommy Guns, and BARs are "terror weapons," and far more rare than Hollywood pretends. You won't find one often, but when you do, watch out!