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Sarcophagus Box

By: Ulisses Spiele

Type: Box Set

Product Line: Torg Eternity - Nile Empire

Last Stocked on 11/24/2024

Product Info

Sarcophagus Box
Publish Year
NKG Part #


The Nile Empire continues the Possibility War started in Torg Eternity. Storm Knights rise to battle High Lord Mobius and his invading legions of shocktroopers. These supplements help you continue and expand your table-top role-playing game experience in the evolving world of Torg Eternity.

The Nile Empire is a realm of thrilling heroics, dastardly villains, and the heightened action and drama of pulp serials! It's ruled by High Lord Mobius —Pharaoh Mobius to the transformed citizens of his empire, or Doctor Mobius to those who knew him as a master villain in his home cosm of Terra. His empire now extends to Earth, where he rules from Egypt to the Congo. His goose-stepping hordes have expanded west into Libya and east into Saudi Arabia.

Within Mobius' domain magic, miracles, and wondrous weird science prevails. The technology of the empire is roughly that of 1930's Earth, but the realm's World Laws allow for rayguns and fantastic inventions that would be impossible with normal technology.

High Lord Mobius and his evil legions are extremely powerful, but they didn't come to Earth alone. He comes from a cosm of masked crime fighters and heroic deeds. Some of these Mystery Men followed Doctor Mobius from Terra, and others have been created as Storm Knights transcended all across Africa during the invasion.

This Box set includes:

  • The Nile Empire Sourcebook
  • Dephi Missions – The Nile Empire
  • The Fires of Ra
  • Nile Empire GM Screen
  • Nile Empire GM Pack
  • Cracking Tales of the Nile Empire
  • The Fires of Ra Soundtrack
  • Nile Empire Possibility Tokens
  • Nile Empire Drama Deck Booster
  • Ruins of the Living Land