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Legendary Planet - Legendary Worlds, Polaris 7 (Starfinder)

By: Legendary Games

Type: Module

Product Line: Starfinder (Legendary Games)

MSRP old price: $10.99

Product Info

Legendary Planet - Legendary Worlds, Polaris 7 (Starfinder)
Kate Baker
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


A World Hard and Cold

At the farthest edge of explored space, the frozen core of an icy ball of nothing beats with raw energy and priceless tritillium, and the Corporation will stop at nothing to drain every drop to fill its coffers. Explore a desolate world with untold riches lying beneath its surface and a silent but savage war of intrigue between the rival factions that control its mining industry and the crucial operations vital to survival on an inhospitable planet. Get a detailed planetary gazetteer, brand-new feats, pharmaceuticals, magic items, and more, plus the deadly xenomorphic cryo-mantids awakened from their deep tunnels to hunt and annihilate the invaders of their home world.

The Legendary Worlds series brings you an amazing array of richly developed planets ripe for adventure no matter your game system of choice. From fantastic asteroid hives to burning foundry planets and from endless ocean worlds to dreamlands of mystery and magic, you’ll find fantastic opportunities for adventure for your heroes, with hooks to draw them in and delightfully detailed history, culture, geography, and some new surprises on every planet. You can use these in conjunction with an ongoing adventure saga like the Legendary Planet Adventure Path from Legendary Games or with any sci-fi campaign that spans the space ways. Never fear to let your players explore what lies beyond the next stargate or hyper-jump, because with Legendary Worlds there’s always a world of adventure waiting for them! Grab this 20-page Pathfinder Roleplaying Game accessory today and Make Your Game Legendary!