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Last Stocked on 2/25/2022

Product Info

Publish Year
NKG Part #
Boxed Game
Age Range
14 Years and Up
# Players
2 - 4 Players
Game Length
180 - 300 Minutes


1883 was a year of great importance in the development of Italian railways: The Government passed a law that allowed the creation of small local railways to improve the connections between cities and town/villages.

This game traces those days and the forgotten history of the small railways of the past of that part of the Emilia between the cities of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

The territory of Emilia, named after the Consul Marco Emilio Lepido, is located in Northern Italy, and is included to the north by the river Po and to the south by the mountain range of the Apennines.

The cities of Modena and Reggio Emilia, today provincial capitals, are cities founded by the roman Consul Marcus Aemilius Lepidus around the year 183 A.C. along the consular road of the main Via Emilia.

In 1883, 2 to 4 tycoons will compete to earn money and build the best stock portfolio by investigating and operating on the Italian railway system from 1883 onward. Each player will play the role of the President of a Railway Corporation, it will develop the railway network of this part of the Pianura Padana, connecting the most remote town/villages in the Apennines with the Great River Po.

Each player’s objective will be to collect the greatest profits with their companies and invest them in the stock market to buy more action sand further increase their assets.

The game is based on the integrated 18xx system with original features that make this title one of a kind.

So get ready to be a railroad tycoon!