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By: Inkwell Ideas

Type: Box Set

Product Line: Sidequest Decks

55 cards

Last Stocked on 11/30/2024

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Box Set


Looking for adventure ideas derived from the works of Lovecraft or other paranormal sources?

These cards are perfect whether your campaign is set in the early 20th century like Lovecraft's, catches ghosts in the modern day, features FBI agents investigating the unusual, or has other paranormal elements or dream creatures. Use them for a one-shot adventure, or string several mini-adventures together into a campaign.

One side of each card has an adventure outline with a backstory, PC hooks, encounter possibilities, and follow-up ideas. The other side of the card is the most important map for that adventure. Use maps from other cards as needed.

You can make up new characters and the original characters' “cousins” can show up or you can even start completely over. But thumb through these cards for ideas to keep the campaign going in more creative ways.

This deck has over 50 ideas, such as:

  • The party must fight their way out of a version of Hell.
  • The PCs are judged by a deity and if they prove themselves they are returned, perhaps with a boon.
  • Forces down the time stream know the party's quest is essential and step in to help.
  • The PCs arrive in a version of the modern world as people who were magicked to a fantasy realm. They must find their way back into the fantasy world.
  • A task must be performed by the PCs for Death or some other benefactor, then they are returned.
  • The PCs are animated as undead and must break the curse to be truly resurrected.