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Sell Out With Me

By: Robert Bohl

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Misspent Youth

MSRP old price: $24.95

Product Info

Sell Out With Me
Product Line
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


Misspent Youth: Sell Out with Me is a f***ing awesome supplement for the Misspent Youth roleplaying game. Together, some of the best writers and artists in the RPG hobby to present you with a metric f***ton of cool alternative options to play the game with.

First off, this is a hoard of 17 new settings. Each includes The Authority (that a**hole who’s f***ing up the world), the Dystopia (the world being up-f***ed), and the YOs (the meddling little “youthful offender” f***ers who are the world’s only hope for freedom). Normally, it’s the Authority and Dystopia generation systems in the core book that lead players through the process of creating a cool world. Here, the writers showcase the kinds of things you can make with those systems: space, fantasy, historical drama, uplifted animals, the real f***ing world, and of course, it wouldn’t be an RPG supplement without your standard black and white world where you are the only ones who can bring color to it.

And if that weren’t enough, there are two hacks of the game. These are complete minigames based on Misspent Youth, but with their own unique twists`. You can play out the story of a band making music for Love, or a bunch of bitter Old F***s who have to drag their carcasses out of retirement to save a world gone (back) to hell.

Orders from the original Authority: Fun is mandatory. Anyone not having fun will be held for special questioning!