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Drakonheim - City of Bones

By: Sneak Attack Press

Type: Hardcover

Product Line: Savage Worlds (Sneak Attack Press)

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Drakonheim - City of Bones
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Why are we nicknamed the City of Bones?

People first started calling us that when the city's founder killed the dragon Ignomia and used her bones to build the walls of Drakonheim.

It took on new meaning after the Empire fell. The marble palaces became skeletal remains of a dead civilization.

Now there is a third reason. The bones of the dead walk the street. Skeletons and zombies. Why don't we fear them? We do, of course. But what choice do we have?

—Gavin Kipper, guide for hire

To save the city from disaster, Drakonheim made a deal with a cabal of necromancers. Now this cabal, the Gray Society, holds the real power in the city.

Drakonheim is a fantasy city full of intrigue and surrounded by dangers. Goblins dwell in the sewers, undead walk the streets, and aristocrats scheme for greater power. Hobgoblins ride across the northern plains, lizardfolk rule the southern swamps, and all manner of monsters hunt in the western mountains.

Drakonheim is a system-free setting; you can use it with any fantasy roleplaying game. It can serve as a quick stopping point, or as the center of an entire campaign.