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#418 "Hell by Daylight, To the Victor, Gondolin Guard, Catalonia 1809"

By: Warners Publications

Type: Magazine

Product Line: Miniature Wargames Magazine #401 - 450 (Warners Publications)

MSRP old price: $6.95

Product Info

#418 "Hell by Daylight, To the Victor, Gondolin Guard, Catalonia 1809"
Publish Year
NKG Part #


FORWARD OBSERVER: What’s up and coming in (mostly) historical wargaming with reports on Warlord, Rubicon, Deep Cut and Caliver Books.

SEND THREE AND FOURPENCE: Part two of Civil War UK ‘79: Scenarios for Black Ops.

HELL BY DAYLIGHT: Part one of a set of rules for 20th Century Skirmish gaming by Jim Webster.

THE SANDS OF THE SUDAN: Starting a new period with a scenario and rules suggestions.

COMMAND DECISION: Can you get the troops home and safe? A commanding conundrum by Jon Sutherland.

DRAGONMEET: A trip to the London gaming show.

FANTASY FACTS: The usual holo-deck experience of the latest news in F&SF gaming with releases from Black Pyramid, Brigade, Slave2Gaming, Antediluvian Miniatures, Osprey and Outlaw Miniatures.

GONDOLIN GUARDS: Conversions and painting in the First age of Middle Earth.

CATALONIAN CAMPAIGN: Napoleon in Spain and the Battle of Valls: introducing the Powder and Sword rules.

RECCE: What’s wired and what’s tired in the latest book releases

WARGAMES WIDOW: On the carpet...

SIX ADDICTION: Can Andy Copestake make good decisions in his gaming? No dice!

CLUB DIRECTORY: Find a club in your vicinity and add your club for free!