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Legendary Viridian Alpha

By: Warcradle Studios

Type: Miniatures Pack

Product Line: Wild West Exodus - The Watchers (35mm)

5 pcs.

MSRP old price: $41.95

Product Info

Legendary Viridian Alpha
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


The Viridian have been at the forefront of Watcher incursions across the galaxy for millennia. Though the Watchers take pains to leave no witnesses to their involvement in the shaping of sentient life, their likeness is captured in the crudely drawn cave paintings, diagrams from ancient manuscripts, petrified wood carvings and any other number of ancient records preserved for prosperity and displayed within museums or held as research material for universities on a number of worlds. On Earth their species has become known as the Locusts.

The Viridian Alpha is larger than its more numerous Locust kin. Its powerfully muscled frame is covered with a gnarled hide complemented with additional armor plates that incorporate various alien devices and defensive systems. It wields the Viridian Staff, a symbol of office and deadly weapon able to cleave a man in twain with a single blow. Mounted on the Viridian Alpha’s shoulders is a Reaper Array sporting two independently targeting energy weapons of formidable power.

As the Watcher’s goal nears the critical juncture raids against humanity become more numerous as materials are gathered and possible threats eliminated. Possess find themselves faced with a new threat as the alien invaders are encountered more frequently and their presence more brazen. The Viridian Alpha is quite the match for anything a posse of weak and feeble humans might throw at him. To complicate matters further he often leads his Viridian Clade to who harry their enemies on the ground and from the air. The Alpha's nickname of ‘King Locust’ or sometimes just as the ‘Big Bastard’ is well deserved.

Please Note: Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly is required