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Product Info

Dark Imperium (Starter Set)
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #
Boxed Game
Age Range
14 Years and Up
# Players
2 Players
Game Length
60 - 180 Minutes




Primaris Space Marines

In this box, you’ll find 22 Primaris Space Marines clad in Mark X power armor, who can be painted as any Chapter you please:

- 1 Primaris Space Marine Captain, resplendent in cloak and iron halo, holding aloft a master-crafted power sword in one hand and wielding a boltstorm gauntlet on the other;
- 2 Primaris Space Marine Lieutenants, one armed with a power sword and bolt pistol, featuring a standard helmeted head, the other an auto bolt rifle and bolt pistol, featuring a bare head;
- 1 Primaris Space Marine Ancient carrying an Adeptus Astartes banner, wielding a bolt rifle and bolt pistol;
- 2 5-man Primaris Space Marine Intercessor Squads – the heart of a Primaris Space Marines army – armed with bolt rifles and bolt pistols;
- 1 3-man Primaris Space Marine Inceptor Squad – shock troops who slam into the fight with jump packs screaming – armed with assault bolters;
- 1 5-man Primaris Space Marine Hellblaster Squad – the finest marksmen, able to lay low entire armies on their own – armed with plasma incinerators and bolt pistols.

Death Guard

In the box, you’ll find 31 Death Guard miniatures, who can be painted in the colors of any vectorium:

- 1 Death Guard Lord of Contagion , a huge, terrifying Chaos Space Marine covered in spiked, corrupted Terminator armor armed with a plaguereaper.
- 1 Death Guard Noxious Blightbringer armed with a cursed plague bell, plasma pistol and a tocsin of misery;
- 1 Death Guard Malignant Plaguecaster armed with a corrupted staff and bolt pistol;
- 7 Death Guard Plague Marines – 5 armed with boltguns and plague knives, 1 armed with plasma gun and plague knife, 1 plague champion armed with bolt pistol, plaguesword and power fist;
- 1 Death Guard Foetid Bloat-drone – a huge, buzzing machine held aloft by rusted turbines – armed with plaguespitters and a plague probe;
- 20 Death Guard Poxwalkers – the rotten, shambling core of the army – armed with improvised weapons (hammers, claws, bayonets and metal pipes are featured.)


Dark Imperium contains everything – all the rules – needed to play games of Warhammer 40,000. From the 8-page core rules reference card to the 2 army-specific books to the complete, unabridged 280-page hardback containing the advanced rules and background, it’s all here, ready for you to play with from the moment you open the box.

Primaris Space Marines

A 24-page book contains the rules and background for the Primaris Space Marines:

- an overview of the Space Marines and the Primaris’ introduction;
- background for each miniature in the box;
- Heraldries and symbols for a number of Chapters;
- 6 Datasheets, special rules, psychic powers, weapons and points values for use in Matched Play games.

Death Guard

A further 24-page book contains the rules and background for the Death Guard:

- an overview of the Death Guard and their unbreakable loyalty to the Plague God Nurgle, with a focus on the Tainted Sons led by Gulgoth the Afflictor;
- background for each miniature in the box;
- Heraldries and symbols for a number of Death Guard vectoriums;
- 6 Datasheets, special rules, psychic powers, weapons and points values for use in Matched Play games.

Warhammer 40,000

As noted above, this is a 280-page hardback, exactly identical to the Warhammer 40,000 book sold separately. It contains the core rules – the basics of moving, shooting, using psychic powers, charging, fighting and morale tests – with explanations of each battle phase. You can play a game using this, and only this; but the advanced rules are designed to add huge flexibility and depth, meaning you can play your games the way you want to, with Open Play, Narrative Play and Matched play options. There are advanced rules for terrain, Cities of Death, Planetstrike, Stronghold Assault, Death From the Skies, Campaigns and Multiplayer Battles as well!


You’ll also find the gaming content needed to play – 12 red six-sided dice, a transparent 12” range ruler and all the plastic bases needed for the miniatures (8x 40mm round bases, 18x 32mm round bases, 1x new flying stands set (3 stems), 5x 32mm round bases, 1x 50mm round base, 1x 60mm round base and 20x 25mm round bases.)

Included is a full color, easy to follow construction guide for each miniature, and a decal sheet for the Primaris Space Marines featuring Hellblaster, Intercessor and Inceptor iconography, and chapter markings for the following Chapters: Ultramarines, Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Space Wolves.

The picture shown is of the actual item or items you will receive.