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Hero's Journey, The (1st Edition)

By: Barrel Rider Games

Type: Hardcover

Product Line: Swords & Wizardry (Barrel Rider Games)

Last Stocked on 2/12/2022

Product Info

Hero's Journey, The (1st Edition)
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"So you fancy yourself a hero? Well, it's a dangerous thing to set off into the wild places of the world, into the realm of legend. Dragons and monsters and worse await you. But if you've both blade and heart as strong as steel, then perhaps you might become a legend yourself - if you're willing to set off on The Hero's Journey."

The Hero's Journey Fantasy Roleplaying™ is a complete tabletop roleplaying game based on and compatible with Swords & Wizardry WhiteBox™. It provides fourteen classes, a complete bestiary, rules for adventuring, with optional rules to help you tailor your gaming experience and tell the legendary stories that you've always imagined. All you need is this book, a few dice, and a stout heart.

Inside these pages you've find a information from previous supplements in the White Box line of products published by Barrel Rider Games that have been compiled, updated, streamlined and integrated with the material found in Swords & Wizardry WhiteBox™ to create a complete roleplaying game. This information has been packaged in a clean, visually appealing design to create a game with the options of fantasy gaming from the 1980s and 1990s while holding to the simplicity and flexibility of the early days of the hobby.