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Hands in the Sea - Mini-Expansion

By: Knight Works

Type: Ziplock

Product Line: Board Games (Knight Works)

Product Info

Hands in the Sea - Mini-Expansion
Publish Year
NKG Part #


The designer, Daniel Berger, has developed various alternate cards, which will give players an option to play with multiple variant rules. We have bundled all 3 of these variants into one single mini-expansion for the Hands in the Sea game. We wanted to offer this to backers for a low Add-On price. Many of you may know, that promos can sometimes cost $3 to $5 for just a few cards. We are offering an entire half deck of cards (28 total), to include a full-color sheet of rules, for just $5. This mini-expansion will include the following items:

Alternate Strategy Cards (15 cards)

These cards are for use with the "strategy card maintenance" variant. This variant requires that players pay the given maintenance cost on their strategy card at the end of each turn, or lose the card's ability. Each alternate strategy card has its maintenance cost printed on it. The maintenance costs range from 0 to 2. With this variant, the initial purchase cost of most strategy cards has been reduced slightly. But for most cards, the longer you hold onto the card, the more expensive the card effectively becomes.

Alternate Random Events (5 cards)

These cards are for players who do not mind random events, but want a little less chaos in their games. These cards replace 6 of the more nastier random events with less severe results. Players may agree beforehand to use some or all of these cards instead of the normal random events.

Deux Ex Machina (8 cards)

These cards add a special one-time benefit for each player. Each side (Rome/Carthage) will have three of these cards. Prior to the start of a game, each player randomly chooses (or picks) one card that only they can use. During a players turn, they may choose to use the special power on that card, but once they do it is permanently removed from the game.