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Planes of Power
John Compton, Paris Crenshaw, Eleanor Ferron
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MFG. Part #


Embrace the elements!

The elemental forces of air, earth, fire, and water are among the most powerful in the multiverse, forming the basis of the material world and giving creatures capable of wielding them immeasurable influence. Now players and Game Masters can harness these primal powers for themselves by exploring the Elemental Planes—entire realms of existence dedicated to the four elements—with Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Planes of Power. This book fully details each of the four Elemental Planes with advice on adventuring in their harsh environs, new character options and creatures, location gazetteers, and an examination of major settlements that offer welcoming landing sites for planar travelers.

Season 8 of Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild will journey to the Elemental Planes, where adventurers can explore these fantastic realms and face the diverse foes that call them home. This book is the perfect resource for those undertakings and any campaign on the Elemental Planes.


  • A thorough look at how each plane's environment affects Material Plane natives, including suggestions for those to wish to protect themselves from such dangers.
  • A look at the elemental lords both past and present, including lore about the methods the current evil overlords used to imprison and sequester their good counterparts during the Material Plane's earliest days.
  • New druid domains for characters who frequent the Elemental Planes, the elemental purist kineticist archetype, the planar sneak rogue archetype, and elemental barbarian rage powers, as well as new magic designed for planar travelers.
  • Detailed articles about each of the planes, including information on their inhabitants, prominent locations, and the complex politics and geography that tie all four realms together.
  • A bestiary full of potential new elemental threats and allies, from the nephlei—or cloud nymphs—who hail from the Plane of Air to the Plane of Earth's serpentine monstrosities called agrawghs to Ymeri, Queen of the Inferno and Elemental Lord of Fire!
  • Planes of Power is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder campaign setting, but can be easily adapted to any fantasy world.