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Samuel's Garage (Pre-Painted)

By: 4Ground

Type: Miniatures Box Set

Product Line: Chicago Way, The - Buildings & Terrain (28mm)

Last Stocked on 10/1/2023

Product Info

Samuel's Garage (Pre-Painted)
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


This kit is highly detailed inside and outside with many pre-painted parts.

Clean living Rebecca Hodder and her husband Samuel inherited Dewey's General Stores, Smallbrook, Illinois, on her father's death. Straight away Sam began a drive to modernise their business and bring it smack bang into the new C20th. Business was good and Sam took a keen interest in the developments of the modern world.

It was such a tragedy that he died only a few years after his wife's father, but not before he had grown Dewey's General Stores into Samuel's Garage and General Stores. Sam Snr. left behind his wife and two adolescent sons, Sam Jnr. and young Zac. Though they started young in business the brothers prospered; for Samuel's Garage was on route for all folks heading up Chicago way or coming back out.

Without her husband Ma Hodder dedicated her time and considerable efforts, at home to her many cats and in the wider community to the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Considered a leading light of the local WCTU by her fellows but known as the 'Crazy Cat Lady' by those locals more inclined to the lubrication of their larynxes than exaltation of the Lord.

The enactment of prohibition across the USA. came in at midnight on January 17, 1920 though at that actual time Ma Hodder had long retired for the night. Unbeknownst to her at that same time Sam and Zac were preparing for the first of many deliveries out back of their garage. The next day's newspapers were full of the robbery that occurred in Chicago's rail freight yard just short of an hour after prohibition came in. According to police reports, six armed men stole $100,000 worth of 'medicinal whiskey' from two freight cars.

Product is supplied pre-painted and assembly may be required.