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By: Nerdologues

Type: Boxed Game

Product Line: Fisticuffs!

Product Info

Product Line
Publish Year
NKG Part #
Age Range
8 Years and Up
# Players
4 - 6 Players
Game Length
15 - 30 Minutes


Fisticuffs! is a free-for-brawl fighting card game created by The Nerdologues, a bunch of people you don’t know but could totally be friends with. Four to six players engage in head-to-head (-to-head-to-head) constant combat until the frenzy peaks and one player emerges victorious.

When Baron Reginald Fistcuffington Smythe discovered the new super-element hydrolium, he could have ushered in a new era of glorious technological achievement and peace. Instead, he built a massive airship powered by his discovery and traveled the world in search of able-bodied combatants to fight each other for his amusement. Baron Smythe, possessing unbelievable technology and fantastic wealth, offered a lucrative reward to those who would become champion of “His Majesty’s Fisticuffs Bouts” - your greatest wish fulfilled.

Fighters from the world over flocked to Baron Smythe’s flying boxing ring. Pugilists decided their fates with hooks and haymakers, spits and stomps; anything goes when you’re boxing in the sky! Previous Fisticuffs champions such as Jason “The Great” Gatsby (wished for fantastic wealth) and Ripjaw “The Bonesaw” Bloodsmash (wished for a quiet house in the suburbs) became famous for their deft footwork, masterful technique, and extravagant wishes.

You are one of the fighters who has climbed aboard the Baron’s airship to participate in his most recent tournament. Can you become champion and get your greatest wish fulfilled? This is Fisticuffs!

Fisticuffs! includes:

  • 54 Punch Cards
  • 21 Rounds Cards
  • 8 Character Cards
  • 6 Reference Cards
  • 6 Life Counters
  • 1 Bell Token Card
  • 1 Glove Token Card
  • Rules Sheet
  • Our hopes and dreams