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Bespin Playmat
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Take your battles to the stars with X-Wing Playmats, available via Fantasy Flight Games' In-House Manufacturing! Each X-Wing Playmat takes the form of an easily portable, approximately 3' by 3' natural rubber playmat, complete with a slip-resistant bottom that helps to ensure your valuable miniatures stay safe during your space battles. Whether you field a squadron for the Rebel Alliance, the Imperial Navy, or the Scum and Villainy of the galaxy, you'll find a cinematic setting for your ship-to-ship battles in the X-Wing Playmats.

Don’t let the rusted, light-soaked clouds of the Bespin Playmat lull you into a false complacency. Cloud City was home to some of the most pivotal moments in the Galactic Civil War. Now you can imagine new adventures set against a gorgeous full-color backdrop of Cloud City hovering at the edge of Bespin’s red and orange skies. Race full-throttle through the starlit heavens as you dodge laser blasts and fire your proton torpedoes at enemy starfighters, or deploy your fleet to seize control of Bespin’s valuable supply of tibanna gas.