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Texan War of Independence, The

By: Lock N Load Publishing

Type: Ziplock

Product Line: World at War

Last Stocked on 9/27/2023

Product Info

Texan War of Independence, The
Product Line
Publish Year
NKG Part #
Age Range
12 Years and Up
# Players
2 Players
Game Length
90 Minutes


In late July of 1985, two months before the dramatic events depicted in America Conquered, a brief but bloody and consequential war was fought: The Texan War of Independence. It marked the first time in 120 years, since the Civil War, that Americans took up arms against each other.

The circumstances were desperate. The United States had been struck by nuclear weapons. Many cities—Washington, D.C., New York, Los Angeles and others—had been annihilated, but none in Texas. Texas stood strong. Initially, Governor White of Texas sent convoys of relief supplies to the imperiled areas of the country, but soon learned that the convoys had been intercepted by a skilled and tactful, but unknown, enemy. President Saunders, upset that Texas would withhold aid to the rest of the country, sent military forces to Texas to intimidate its single-minded Governor in to resuming the flow of aid. Governor White responded by sending the Texas National Guard to the border, to meet and stop them.

As these unnatural enemies fought against one another, like brother against brother, a new threat loomed. Both Texas and the United States itself needed to confront the post-nuclear world. They could do it independently or together.

The Texan War of Independence contains four gripping scenarios. Forty new counters bring four formations of Texans to the front lines. The fearless Texans ride toward all enemies in Abrams and M60-A3 tanks, and their well-armed infantry are highly mobile, with plenty of M-113s and Dragon support weapons at hand. Texas had once been its own republic. In the Texan War of Independence you’ll find out if it happens again.