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Lake Deck

By: Skirmisher Publishing

Type: Box Set

Product Line: Cards & Quests

Last Stocked on 8/30/2019

Product Info

Lake Deck
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This Cards & Quests custom deck has the Combat Actions for characters of the Fire Element printed on them for quick reference and seamless game play.

Cards & Quests is a tabletop role-playing game that uses a standard deck of 52 playing cards, instead of dice. Everything in the Cards & Quests system is decided by playing cards.

Each player character uses a deck of cards of their own and the character’s Element determines their skills and special fighting abilities called Combat Actions.

Cards & Quests can be played using any deck of 52 playing cards and the reference tables in the rulebook, Cards & Quests: An Innovative Fantasy Role-Playing Game. The custom decks remove the need for the reference table and speed up combat encounters.