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Space Cadets - Away Missions

By: Stronghold Games

Type: Boxed Game

Product Line: Space Cadets (Stronghold Games)

Last Stocked on 2/26/2025

Product Info

Space Cadets - Away Missions
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #
Age Range
10 Years and Up
# Players
1 - 6 Players
Game Length
60 - 120 Minutes


Long before the threat of the Nemesis, before the perils of warp drive or the founding of our own Space Academy, humanity experienced a Golden Age of space exploration. The mineral riches of the thriving Moon colony inspired legions of hearty Earth citizens to seek their fortunes in space. Humble rockets probed the farthest reaches of the solar system in an eager quest for resources, and brave colonists forged homes wherever they could survive.

Then the rumors began — whispered tales of frontier abductions and sightings of mysterious creatures. By the time the secret invasion was exposed, the aliens were everywhere. Families had been stolen away by slavers from the stars, and the peace-loving survivors had no choice but to arm themselves and fight. Fight to stop the alien attacks! Fight to free the helpless abductees! Fight to throw the aggressors back into space and end forever their power to threaten humanity!

Thus was born the Rocket Patrol – an organization of brave and hearty women and men dedicated to defending humanity and taking the fight to the alien menace from the stars.

Space Cadets: Away Missions is a co-operative, scenario-based, tactical action game for 1-6 players set during the bygone Golden Age of science fiction. In this game, players take on the roles of adventurous human spacemen who explore UFOs, acquire Alien technology and fight hostile extraterrestrials.

Each turn, spacemen have three action points to spend on activities such as firing their atomic rifles, analyzing exotic equipment, or subduing the malicious Brain-in-a-Jar. When the spacemen are finished, the aliens take their turns by following simple movement and combat protocols; seven types of hostile aliens threaten the players, from the repulsive mind leeches to the rampaging titanic sentinels.

Space Cadets: Away Missions contains 20 scenarios linked in a campaign story arc. Each mission features various combinations of aliens, different spaceships, and numerous mission objectives for the players to achieve. Cooperation, tactical planning and some degree of luck are essential if the spacemen hope to overcome the relentless horde of little green men.

Space Cadets: Away Missions will contain these great components:

102 PLASTIC MINIATURES!!! (various sizes: ~28mm “Heroic” scale):

  • 6 Rocketeers (plus snap-in colored bases for each Rocketeer)
  • 96 Aliens
  • - 5 Brains-In-A-Jar [NOTE: With REAL JARS for the brains!]
  • - 8 Leaders
  • - 32 Saucermen [Note: FOUR different sculpts!]
  • - 12 Leeches
  • - 12 Thralls
  • - 7 Sentinels
  • - 20 Bugs


  • 1 Rulebook (36 pages)
  • 1 Scenario book with 20 scenarios (~44 pages)


  • 33 Standard Map Tiles (3" Hexes, side to side)
  • 15 Scenario Map Tiles (3" Hexes, side to side)
  • 18 Scenario Tile Markers (.875" x .875")
  • 12 Hatch Markers (2.25" x .5")
  • 34 Alien Tokens (.75" x .75")
  • 26 Discovery Tokens (.75" x .75")
  • 12 Alert Tokens (.75" x .75")
  • 28 Rocketeer Action Point Markers (.625” x .625”)
  • 6 Rocketeer Order/Scan Markers (.625” x .625”)
  • 14 Wire/Alien Blood Markers (.75" x .75")
  • 35 Rocketeer Item Markers (.625” x .625”)


  • 1 Rocketeer/Alien Reference Sheet (2-sided, 8.5" x 11")
  • 1 Overkill Reference Sheet (1-sided, currently 8.5" x 11")
  • 6 Rocketeer Character Sheets (6.89” x 6.89”)

    80 CARDS - full-sized (poker-sized) (2.5" x 3.5"), linen-finished:

  • 37 Rocketeer Gear Cards
  • 14 Alien Discovery Cards
  • 6 Alien Schematic Cards
  • 8 Alien quick-reference Cards
  • 5 Dominated Brain-in-a-Jar Cards
  • 10 Rescued Thrall Cards


  • 8 10-sided dice (four matched colored pairs)


  • 36 Red cubes (8mm)
  • 22 Blue cubes (8mm)
  • 36 Green cubes (8mm)