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Fette Kuhe

By: Spielteufel

Type: Boxed Game

Product Line: Board Games (Spielteufel)

Product Info

Fette Kuhe
Publish Year
NKG Part #


The game board is a square grid showing a meadow which is enclosed by stables, a river and some trees. The goal of the game is to have the fattest cows (i.e., the cows who ate the most grass, in the form of green plastic chips).

There are eighteen event chips showing different weather conditions. Sunny weather means the cows are moving around eating grass. Lightning kills all cows standing in the water or under a tree. Cows caught in the rain (i.e. are not in the stables or under a tree) catch a cold and cannot eat in the next turn. If there is dry wind (after a sunny turn), new grass grows. Wind after rain also damages the cattle's health.

The game has a push your luck element - which locations are safest while offering good grazing grounds? The stables are safe, but the cows don't get fat.

When all eighteen events have been played, the player with most grass chips is the winner.