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Quartier Latin

By: Daggit Games

Type: Boxed Game

Product Line: Card Games (Daggit Games)

Product Info

Quartier Latin
Publish Year
NKG Part #
Age Range
8 Years and Up
# Players
4 - 6 Players
Game Length
45 Minutes


You are the owner of a fancy bistro in the fashionable Quartier Latin in Paris, the most important investments are made: you have bought tables, chairs and tableware and have engaged fairly qualified personnel. Shortly before the opening of your pub the disaster happens. The competitors send hooligans to your premises that are about to destroy your work. You are determined to fight. Let 's hope that you have better cards than your opponents!

Two teams of two or three players compete with the aim to open as many pubs as they can. But they not only try to set up their own enterprise but also to cancel the efforts of the other team by any means. For this purpose the teams can hire hooligans and bombers to threat the opponents. They can also cause other inconveniences like influenza for the personnel of the other team, pipe bursts or denial of credit. The other team can defend themselves with their own hooligans, managers or the two doormen Gaston and Gustave. Both, developing / opening of pubs and getting rid of the competitors, gain points. You have, for example, destroyed the other teams disco. Not only do the others not score points with their disco if you call a disco your own, their customers come to your premises (where else could they dance?) and you collect MONEY (points)!! But even if you only have a simple beer garden, the bomb attack was useful for your business because the disco-dancers will visit the other pubs of the quarter if they don 't find their favorite disco, and yours is one of them.

By the end of the game the most successful gastronome is obviously the one with the most points.

Does not include English rules unless noted in the condition note.