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Nights of Fury - Guadalcanal Naval Battles

By: Naval Warfare Simulations

Type: Ziplock

Product Line: Modern Naval Conflicts

Last Stocked on 9/1/2020

Product Info

Nights of Fury - Guadalcanal Naval Battles
Product Line
Publish Year
NKG Part #
Age Range
12 Years and Up
# Players
1 - 2 Players
Game Length
30 Minutes


NWS: Nights of Fury - Guadalcanal Naval Battles is the first in a series of high intensity naval combat wargames that will offer realism and detail yet have streamlined and hard hitting game play for 2 players or solitaire play. Full color cards with highly detailed ship graphics for easy and quick recognition. Full color island cards showing Savo, Florida, and Guadalcanal islands are used for the battle map. Scenario cards include random events, weather, visibility, land effects, and other cards that will determine the setup and play of the battle. Quick result combat modifier charts will also be included to allow for fast reference to determine combat results.

All the critical details are covered such as floatation and structural damage, spotting and detection, admiral capabilities, formations, maneuvers, land effects, radar effects, armor ratings, fire controls, torpedo combat, gunnery, evasion, combat range effects, random events, crew qualities, searchlights and star shells, and more!